
Automatic Industrial Door for Loading Area | COAD Indonesia

When it comes to managing a busy loading area, having the right equipment can make all the difference. At COAD Indonesia, we understand the challenges of keeping operations smooth and efficient. That’s where our automatic industrial doors come in.

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu cleanroom, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Why Choose Automatic Doors for Your Loading Area?

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu cleanroom, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc
  1. Speed and Efficiency

Automatic industrial doors are designed to open and close quickly, which helps keep your loading area running smoothly. Instead of waiting for doors to manually open or close, automatic doors speed up the process, reducing downtime and keeping your workflow uninterrupted.

  1. Enhanced Safety

Safety is crucial in any industrial setting. Our automatic doors come with built-in safety features like sensors to detect obstacles, preventing accidents and ensuring that both people and equipment are protected. By keeping the loading area secure, you can avoid potential hazards and maintain a safer working environment.

  1. Energy Savings

One of the hidden benefits of automatic doors is their ability to help with energy efficiency. By closing quickly after each use, they help maintain the temperature in your facility, which can reduce heating and cooling costs. This is especially important in areas where you’re managing large volumes of goods and where temperature control is key.

In Conclusion

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu cleanroom, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Investing in automatic industrial doors for your loading area can lead to improved efficiency, enhanced safety, and better energy management. At COAD Indonesia, we’re here to help you find the right solution for your business needs. Contact us to learn more about how our doors can make a positive impact on your operations.

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo



Overhead Automatic Door Dipasang di Area Gudang | COAD Indonesia

Di lingkungan gudang yang sibuk, efisiensi dan keamanan adalah dua hal yang sangat penting. Salah satu solusi modern yang dapat meningkatkan kedua aspek ini adalah Overhead Automatic Door atau Pintu Otomatis Panel. COAD Indonesia menawarkan solusi ini untuk meningkatkan operasional di area gudang Anda.

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Keunggulan Overhead Automatic Door

  1. Efisiensi Operasional: Overhead Automatic Door membuka dan menutup dengan cepat, sehingga mempermudah proses pengambilan dan penyimpanan barang. Kecepatan ini mengurangi waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk akses pintu, membantu mempercepat alur kerja di gudang.
  2. Penghematan Energi: Pintu otomatis panel dirancang untuk menutup dengan rapat. Ini membantu menjaga suhu di dalam gudang tetap stabil, mengurangi kebutuhan untuk pemanas atau pendingin yang bisa menghabiskan banyak energi. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat menghemat biaya energi dan menjaga lingkungan kerja yang nyaman.
  3. Peningkatan Keamanan: COAD Indonesia melengkapi pintu otomatis panel dengan fitur keamanan seperti sensor deteksi. Sensor ini memastikan pintu tidak menutup jika ada objek atau orang di jalurnya, mengurangi risiko kecelakaan dan kerusakan pada barang atau peralatan.
  4. Kebersihan Terjaga: Di area gudang, menjaga kebersihan sangat penting, terutama jika menyimpan barang-barang sensitif. Overhead automatic door yang cepat menutup mencegah debu dan kotoran masuk ke dalam area gudang, membantu menjaga standar kebersihan yang tinggi.
  5. Kekuatan dan Tahan Lama: Overhead automatic door dari COAD Indonesia dibuat dengan material berkualitas tinggi yang tahan lama. Desain yang kuat membuat pintu ini cocok untuk digunakan dalam lingkungan gudang yang padat dan intensif.

COAD Indonesia: Solusi Pintu Otomatis yang Terpercaya

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

COAD Indonesia dikenal dengan produk pintu otomatis yang berkualitas dan inovatif. Kami menawarkan Overhead Automatic Door yang dirancang untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan operasional di gudang. Pintu-pintu ini tidak hanya memenuhi standar industri tetapi juga menawarkan teknologi terbaru untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan keamanan.

COAD Indonesia juga menyediakan layanan purna jual yang lengkap. Tim COAD siap membantu Anda dengan instalasi, pemeliharaan, dan dukungan teknis. Dengan layanan ini, Anda dapat memastikan bahwa pintu otomatis Anda berfungsi dengan baik dan tetap dalam kondisi optimal.


COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Pemasangan Overhead Automatic Door dari COAD Indonesia di area gudang dapat memberikan banyak keuntungan, mulai dari efisiensi operasional, penghematan energi, hingga peningkatan keamanan dan kebersihan. Jika Anda ingin meningkatkan performa gudang Anda, pintu otomatis ini adalah pilihan yang sangat baik.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai produk dan layanan COAD Indonesia, kunjungi atau hubungi tim kami untuk mendapatkan konsultasi dan penawaran. Dengan COAD Indonesia, Anda dapat memastikan bahwa gudang Anda berjalan lebih efisien dan bersih.

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo



Upgrade to High Speed Door for Better Hygiene in Manufacturing Plants | COAD Indonesia

In manufacturing plants, keeping the area clean and efficient is very important. One good way to improve both speed and cleanliness is by using High Speed Doors. COAD Indonesia offers these kinds of doors, and they are great for modern factories that need to be quick and clean.

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Why Choose High Speed Doors?

  1. Faster Operation: High Speed Doors can open and close very quickly. This means that when you are moving materials in and out of the plant, it is faster. Faster doors help to reduce the time needed for loading and unloading, which makes the whole process smoother and faster.
  2. Energy Savings: These doors help keep the temperature inside the plant stable. By closing quickly, they stop the air from escaping, which helps to save on heating and cooling costs. This means your plant stays at the right temperature without using too much energy.
  3. Improved Hygiene: In a manufacturing plant, especially in food or pharmaceutical industries, keeping things clean is very important. High Speed Doors close quickly to keep dust and other contaminants out. This helps to maintain a clean environment and meet hygiene standards.
  4. Increased Safety: Safety is a top priority. High Speed Doors come with smart sensors to make sure that they do not close if something or someone is in the way. This reduces the risk of accidents and damage to equipment or products.
  5. Low Maintenance: COAD Indonesia’s High Speed Doors are made from strong materials that last a long time. They are designed to need little maintenance, which helps reduce costs and downtime for repairs.

Why COAD Indonesia?

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

COAD Indonesia is known for its high-quality automatic doors. We use the latest technology to create High Speed Doors that meet the needs of modern manufacturing plants. Our doors are not only fast and efficient but also built to last.

COAD Indonesia also provides excellent service after you buy our doors. COAD help with installation, regular maintenance, and any technical support you might need. This means you can trust that your High Speed Doors will work well and stay in good condition.


COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Upgrading to High Speed Doors from COAD Indonesia can greatly benefit your manufacturing plant. These doors help improve the speed of operations and keep the environment clean. If you want to make your plant more efficient and hygienic, High Speed Doors are a smart choice.

For more information about these doors and how they can help your plant, visit the COAD Indonesia website or contact COAD Sales team. We are ready to help you find the best solution for your needs.

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo



Available High-Speed Doors with Quick Installation by COAD Indonesia

When it comes to improving the efficiency of your warehouse or industrial space, speed and ease of access are crucial. COAD Indonesia offers high-speed doors that are not only fast but also quick to install, making them a great choice for busy operations.

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Why Choose High-Speed Doors?

  1. Fast Operation: High-speed doors from COAD Indonesia open and close rapidly, helping to streamline movement in and out of your facility. This speed reduces wait times and keeps operations running smoothly.
  2. Easy Installation: One of the biggest advantages is the quick installation process. COAD Indonesia’s high-speed doors are designed for fast setup, minimizing downtime and allowing you to get back to work without delay.
  3. Improved Efficiency: By reducing the time doors are open, these doors help maintain better control over your facility’s temperature and can contribute to overall energy savings.
  4. Durability: Built to withstand frequent use and tough conditions, these doors are made from high-quality PVC materials that ensure long-term reliability and performance.

Also Read: Industrial Door Manufacturer with Ready Stock Parts | COAD Indonesia

COAD Indonesia’s High-Speed Doors

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

COAD Indonesia’s high-speed doors come with several benefits:

  • Quick Installation: Designed for straightforward and speedy installation, these doors help reduce setup time and ensure you can start using them as soon as possible.
  • Advanced Technology: Equipped with modern features, these doors offer smooth operation and reliable performance.
  • Durability and Reliability: Made with strong materials, these doors are built to last, even in high-traffic areas.
COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

By choosing COAD Indonesia’s high-speed doors, you’re investing in efficiency and ease, making your operations more streamlined and effective. For more details or to explore your options, contact COAD Indonesia today.

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo



Industrial Door Manufacturer with Ready Stock Parts | COAD Indonesia

When it comes to choosing an industrial door manufacturer, having access to ready stock parts is crucial. At COAD Indonesia, we specialize in providing high-quality industrial doors along with a comprehensive inventory of spare parts that are always available. Here’s why our approach can be a game-changer for your business:

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

1. Always-Available Spare Parts

One of the biggest challenges in maintaining industrial doors is dealing with downtime caused by the unavailability of spare parts. At COAD Indonesia, we address this issue by ensuring that all critical spare parts are kept in stock at all times. This means that if you encounter any issues with your doors, you can get the necessary parts quickly and efficiently. Our well-maintained inventory helps minimize your downtime and keeps your operations running smoothly.

2. High-Quality Doors

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Quality is important when it comes to industrial doors, and at COAD Indonesia, we don’t compromise. We manufacture doors that are durable, reliable, and designed to withstand the rigors of industrial environments. Our doors are built with high-quality materials and advanced technology to ensure long-lasting performance. By investing in our doors, you’re not just buying a product; you’re investing in a solution that enhances the efficiency and safety of your operations.

3. Fast and Efficient Service

Speed and efficiency are at the core of our service philosophy. With our ready stock spare parts and a streamlined process for handling orders, we’re able to provide quick and reliable service. Whether you need a replacement part or a new door, our team is committed to delivering what you need as fast as possible. This not only helps in reducing downtime but also improves your overall operational efficiency.

Why Choose COAD Indonesia?

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Choosing COAD Indonesia means partnering with a manufacturer that understands the critical nature of industrial operations. Our focus on keeping spare parts readily available, coupled with our commitment to high-quality products and fast service, ensures that you get the best support for your industrial door needs.

If you’re looking for an industrial door manufacturer with a commitment to ready stock parts and exceptional service, look no further than COAD Indonesia. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services and how we can help keep your operations running smoothly.

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo



Automatic Industrial Doors for Better Movement in Warehouses | COAD Indonesia

In warehousing, the efficiency of your operations can make or break your success. Choose COAD Indonesia’s automatic industrial doors – the trusted brand for modern logistics access that blend technology with functionality to upgrade warehouse movement.

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Why Choose Automatic Industrial Doors?

Having a warehouse where every door operates with seamless precision, can be a reality with COAD Indonesia’s high-speed automatic doors. Our doors are designed to enhance both efficiency and safety in your warehouse environment.

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc
  1. Efficiency Meets Speed: Our automatic doors are engineered for rapid operation, reducing the time they remain open and thereby minimizing temperature fluctuations. This is crucial in temperature-controlled environments where maintaining a steady climate is essential.
  2. Safety First: With advanced safety features, including obstacle detection and automatic stop functions, COAD’s doors ensure that your warehouse environment remains secure. Employees and goods are safe from potential accidents, making your operations safer and more reliable.
  3. Durability in Action: Built to withstand the rigors of a busy warehouse, our automatic doors are crafted from high-quality materials designed to handle high traffic, harsh conditions, and temperature extremes. This durability translates to fewer replacements and lower maintenance costs.

Key Features of COAD Indonesia’s Automatic Industrial Doors

  1. Rapid Response: Our high-speed doors are all about speed. They open and close quickly, facilitating smooth and efficient movement of goods and personnel. This not only improves operational flow but also boosts productivity.
  2. Smart Technology: Equipped with advanced controls, our doors offer real-time monitoring and customization. Adjust settings to fit your specific needs and keep track of performance effortlessly.
  3. Ease of Use: Installation and maintenance are a easy with COAD Indonesia’s doors. Designed for user-friendly operation, these doors require minimal maintenance, ensuring that your warehouse remains in peak condition with less effort.

The Impact on Warehouse Operations

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

COAD Indonesia’s automatic industrial doors facilitate quick transitions between different areas, enhancing operational flow and reducing bottlenecks. Whether you’re dealing with perishable goods or high-value items, our doors help maintain optimal conditions and ensure swift handling.

Moreover, the energy efficiency of our doors means you’ll see a reduction in energy costs, as they help keep your temp-controlled environments stable and minimize waste.


With COAD Indonesia’s automatic industrial doors, your warehouse can achieve a new level of efficiency, safety, and durability. These doors are more than just entryways; they are integral components of a streamlined, high-performance operation.

Upgrade your warehouse with COAD Indonesia and experience the difference that precision engineering and advanced technology can make. Embrace the future of warehouse management and let our doors open the path to a smoother, more efficient workflow.

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo



3 Ways Bad Access Affect Logistic Process | COAD Indonesia

In logistics, smooth and efficient access is crucial. Problems with access can cause major disruptions and slow down the entire supply chain. Here are three common ways bad access can impact logistics:

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

1. Increased Delays

When access points like doors are poorly designed or malfunctioning, they slow down the movement of goods. This can lead to longer loading and unloading times, which delays deliveries and disrupts the flow of operations. For example, a slow or stuck door can hold up trucks and slow down warehouse activity, leading to missed deadlines.

2. Higher Operational Costs

Inefficient access can lead to increased costs in several ways. Longer loading times mean more labor hours are needed, and delays can result in extra transportation costs. Additionally, if goods are delayed or damaged due to poor access, the cost of handling and repairs can add up quickly. In a competitive market, these extra costs can eat into profits.

3. Decreased Safety

Bad access points can create safety hazards. For example, doors that do not operate smoothly can cause accidents, such as employees being injured while trying to force them open. Safety issues not only put employees at risk but can also lead to legal liabilities and increased insurance premiums.

How High Speed Doors Solve These Problems

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

High speed doors from COAD Indonesia can address these issues effectively. Here’s how:

  • Faster Operations: High speed doors open and close quickly, reducing the time trucks spend waiting and speeding up loading and unloading processes. This helps keep everything moving smoothly and on schedule.
  • Cost Efficiency: By reducing delays and improving workflow, high speed doors can help cut down on labor and operational costs. Their efficiency also means fewer issues with damaged goods, saving money in the long run.
  • Improved Safety: High speed doors operates safely and reliably. Their smooth and fast operation reduces the risk of accidents and enhances overall workplace safety.
COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

In summary, bad access can lead to delays, higher costs, and safety issues in logistics. High speed doors from COAD Indonesia offer a practical solution to these problems, improving efficiency, reducing costs, and ensuring a safer working environment. For more details on how high speed doors can benefit your logistics operations, visit COAD Indonesia’s website or contact COAD team for expert advice.

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo



High Performance Door for Food and Beverage Manufacturing Plants | COAD Indonesia

In food and beverage manufacturing, the right doors can make a big difference. COAD Indonesia offers high performance doors designed specifically for these environments. These doors help keep things running smoothly and ensure the highest standards of cleanliness and safety.

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Why You Need High Performance Doors

  1. Hygiene: Keeping things clean is essential in food and beverage plants. COAD Indonesia’s doors are easy to clean and keep contaminants out, helping you meet hygiene standards.
  2. Efficiency: These doors open and close quickly, making it easier to move products in and out without wasting time. This helps keep your operations running smoothly.
  3. Safety: Safety is crucial. These doors come with features like sensors and automatic stops to prevent accidents and protect your team and equipment.
  4. Energy Savings: By reducing how long doors are open, these doors help maintain the right temperature inside your plant, which can lower your energy bills.

Features of COAD Indonesia’s High Performance Doors

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc
  1. Fast Operation: They open and close quickly to keep up with the fast pace of manufacturing.
  2. Durable: Made from tough PVC materials, these doors stand up to the daily wear and tear in busy plants.
  3. Easy to Use: With simple controls and automatic operation, they’re user-friendly and require little effort to operate.
  4. Customizable: COAD Indonesia offers options to customize the doors to fit your plant’s specific needs.

Installation and Support

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

When you choose COAD Indonesia’s high performance doors, you get more than just a product—you get full support. From choosing the right door to installation and ongoing maintenance, we’re here to help make sure everything works as it should.


In food and beverage manufacturing, COAD Indonesia’s high performance doors offer great benefits. They keep things clean, improve efficiency, enhance safety, and save energy. Investing in these doors is a smart move for any plant looking to improve its operations.

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo



3 Steps to Choose the Perfect High-Speed Door for Your Facility | COAD Indonesia

Choosing high-speed door for your facility doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little guidance, you can select a door that not only fits your operational needs but also boosts efficiency and safety. At COAD Indonesia, we’re here to make the process straightforward and enjoyable. Here’s a fun yet formal guide to help you choose the perfect high-speed door for your facility:

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

1. Know Your Needs

Start by getting a clear understanding of what you need from your high-speed door. Ask yourself:

  • What’s the Traffic Like?
    How often will the door open and close? For high-traffic areas, you’ll need a robust door that can handle frequent use.
  • What’s the Environment?
    Consider the conditions where the door will be installed. Is it an indoor or outdoor setting? Will it be exposed to extreme temperatures, moisture, or dust?
  • What’s the Space Layout?
    Measure your space and check for any physical constraints. Ensure that the door you choose fits well within your facility’s layout.

2. Evaluate the Features

Once you know your needs, dive into the features of different high-speed doors. Here’s what to look for:

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc
  • Speed and Efficiency
    High-speed doors should open and close quickly to keep operations smooth and energy-efficient. Look for doors with adjustable speed settings that match your traffic flow.
  • Durability and Material
    Choose a door made from durable materials that can withstand your facility’s environment. Whether you need a door with reinforced fabric or a sturdy metal design, ensure it matches your requirements.
  • Safety Features
    Safety is key. Look for doors with built-in safety sensors, automatic stops, and emergency backup systems to prevent accidents and ensure smooth operation.

3. Consider the Installation and Maintenance

Finally, think about the installation and upkeep:

  • Professional Installation
    Ensure the door is installed by professionals to guarantee proper function and longevity. COAD Indonesia offers expert installation services to get your door set up correctly.
  • Maintenance Needs
    Choose a door that is easy to maintain and repair. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for regular upkeep and ensure you have access to support and parts when needed.
  • Warranty and Support
    Opt for a door with a solid warranty and reliable customer support like COAD. This way, you can be confident in your investment and get assistance if any issues arise.


COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Choosing the right high-speed door for your facility can make a significant difference in efficiency and safety. By understanding your needs, evaluating key features, and considering installation and maintenance, you can select a door that enhances your operations. COAD Indonesia is here to help with expert technicians and top-notch products to ensure you find the perfect fit. For more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team!

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo



5 Strategies to Maximize Energy Savings in Factory | COAD Indonesia

Energy efficiency isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a game-changer for factories looking to cut costs and boost productivity. At COAD Indonesia, we understand that saving energy is not just about turning off lights; it’s about smart, strategic changes that make a real difference. Here are five practical strategies to help your factory save energy and stay ahead of the curve.

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

1. Upgrade to High-Speed Doors

One of the easiest ways to cut down on energy loss is by installing high-speed doors. Unlike traditional doors, high-speed doors open and close quickly, minimizing the time your factory’s environment is exposed to outside temperatures. This helps keep your heating or cooling systems from working overtime, which means lower energy bills and a more consistent indoor climate.

2. Optimize Lighting Systems

Switching to energy-efficient lighting is a straightforward yet impactful move. LED lights use less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Additionally, installing motion sensors and timers ensures that lights are only on when needed. This simple upgrade can lead to significant energy savings over time.

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

3. Invest in Energy-Efficient Equipment

Modern, energy-efficient machinery and equipment are designed to use less power while delivering the same or better performance. Investing in these types of equipment can dramatically lower your energy consumption.

4. Implement Smart HVAC Systems

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are major energy users in any factory. Smart HVAC systems can optimize energy use by adjusting temperatures based on real-time data and occupancy levels. For example, you can program your system to reduce heating or cooling in areas of the factory that are not in use, leading to noticeable savings.

5. Conduct Regular Energy Audits

COAD, High Speed Door, Rapid Door, Pintu Otomatis, pintu Pabrik Otomatis, Harga High Speed Door, Jual High Speed Door, Pintu Rapid Door, High Speed Door Indonesia, Jual Rapid Door, Jual Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Gudang Otomatis, pvc roll up door, roller shutter door, Speed door, pvc shutter door, pintu clean room, pintu cold room, clean room door, roll door otomatis, pintu logistik, pintu otomatis pabrik, pintu pabrik otomatis, pintu pvc otomatis, fast roll shutter door, rolling door pvc

Regular energy audits help identify areas where you might be losing energy and provide actionable recommendations for improvement. By keeping an eye on your factory’s energy use, you can spot inefficiencies and address them before they become bigger problems. Working with experts like COAD Indonesia ensures that you get the most accurate and effective strategies for saving energy.

In Conclusion

Maximizing energy savings in your factory doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. By implementing these five strategies—upgrading to high-speed doors, optimizing lighting, investing in efficient equipment, using smart HVAC systems, and conducting regular audits—you can make a significant impact on your energy bills and operational efficiency. For more tailored solutions and expert advice, COAD Indonesia is here to help you every step of the way. Start making energy savings a priority today and watch your factory thrive.

COAD Indonesia

Call center:

+62 21 299-16111


(Sales 1) 0816-1717-6440

(Sales 2) 0855-1051-095

(Sales 3) 0812-1110-2255


Address: The Bellezza Shopping Arcade Unit 270 Lt 2

Jl. Letjen Soepono No. 34, Arteri Permata Hijau Jakarta 12210 Indonesia

Branch in East Java Area:

Jemurwonosari Gg. Mualim No. 6 Surabaya 60237

Arief Tri Wibowo
